Butterfly breakfasts on the tips of flowers
Gloomy clouds hang on delicate tree tops
The winter breeze whispers little stories
Of late night word vomiting between familiar strangers
Rum on my lips and brandy on yours
Secrets shared in the centre of an old bar
Notes on stained tissue paper
And looks exchanged with words we left unsaid
I spoke a language your soul understood
And you brought a comfort that I couldn’t ignore
Lingering questions on our minds
How did we understand with such ease?
The demons that we both have carried separately
When did I become so sure of what I know?
The pressure that wasted time carries
The burdens that slow healing can bring
You told me secrets of a childhood tainted
I spoke of peace, the kind you’d forgotten
Unsurety in your voice, certainty in mine
You, ever unready to admit you need a hand to hold
Carrying weights too heavy for you to let go
An Earth waiting to be watered
Parched for the feeling of something soulfully familiar
Just two strangers, two glasses, two stories
But one connection, one understanding, infinite maybes… Could
bes… If onlys.
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