Friday, November 2, 2018

Do You?

We’ve been acquaintances for far too long

Stealing glances and shifting looks in crowded rooms

Time has passed and some feelings under this bridge

Years have left their mark on our lives and this

But then one cool October evening

In the middle of an old, quaint tavern

We shared what we had left silent for far too long

We caressed the memory of what we knew

Your apprehension mixed with the idea of us

My comfort intertwined with the laughter you brought

Finally after all these years, our eyes met

At last, all those stolen memories turned into midnight kisses

Secrets were shared over full glasses of rum

Our vision blurred, but the possibilities were clear

You couldn’t believe the burdens I’ve been carrying alone

And I could finally tell you all the things you thought I didn’t know

You, the funny one, with peace to offer the world

Me, the dubious soul, with demons that I couldn’t silence

But at 2 AM with rum in our veins and you on my lips

I knew what you always have too

Morning came and those moments put back in the closet

The sun rose and so did doubt and ‘what if’

I know you like you have always known yourself

You see me, in the way that I wish I saw myself

But you have a life back home and someone waiting

I have a heart that’s been broken, and doubt unforgiving

I’ve said my apology and let go of this dream

And I can only sit here and wonder

Do you ever wonder about me?
