Thursday, July 5, 2018


Change can be an exceptional friend when welcomed, but a looming storm when feared. You see, I have come to learn, that life is nothing more than a string of wonderful events if we feel so inclined to look at it as such. Finding a backbone, starting a fresh, learning to say ‘no’ with more politeness than some might find necessary are all the key elements to a wonderful story.

The thing about stories is, often times like their protagonists, their beauty lies in what is yet to be discovered. Without change such stories die natural deaths, with their hands attached to laptops and their worlds ending within 4x4 foot plywood walls.

Fear is often times like a shadow that we cannot shake, for at least its real life counterpart sleeps at night, but fear never does. I haven’t gotten too far in my story, but it’s been a swell introduction to self and an even better romance with life.


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