Monday, July 16, 2018

Warm Monday Musings

Stopped at a train crossing, old Hindi songs adding calm to my chaos

There's a quiet stillness in this Monday afternoon air

A lull before the sea of traffic starts to engulf me in its wrath

Everyone running out of time to get somewhere, do something, be someone

Someone's on their way to break a heart, start a love story, make a big decision, start afresh, make a dream come true, claim a lost love, carve a new path

The possibilities of a soul's ability to be great is endless

But the constant cloud of responsibility looms low, a palpable unsurety

Nothing comes too easily they say

But what is 'easily'?

At this crossroads of an ever changing life

Aren't we all nothing but dots that join to form a bigger picture

The pawns in the universe's chess game of possibility vs. reality

Questions with no answers, answers with  no foundation, a foundation built on loosely laid hope

And a hope built on instinct seldom paid attention to.

A craving for a new world. A rolodex of scenic simplicity just waiting to drown me.

Oh how I dream of breathing a different air.


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